Clinical diagnosis of Alcoholic Hepatitis (AH) • Onset of jaundice within prior 8 weeks • Ongoing consumption of (female) or 60 (male) g alcohol/day for 26 months, with days of abstinence before the onset of jaundice • AST >50, AST/ALT >1.5, and both values <400 IU/L • Serum total bilirubin >3.0 mg/dL Potential confounding factors • Possible ischemic hepatitis (e.g., severe upper gastrointestinal bleed, hypotension, or cocaine use within 7 days) or metabolic liver disease (Wilson disease, alpha I antitrypsin deficiency) • Possible drug-induced liver disease (suspect drug within 30 days of onset of jaundice) • Uncertain alcohol use assessment (e.g., patient denies excessive alcohol use) • Presence of atypical laboratory tests (e.g., AST or >400 IU/L, AST/ALT <1.5), ANA > 1:160 or SMA >1:80. #diagnosis #Alcoholic #Hepatitis #AH #hepatology #criteria