Marantic Endocarditis Epidemiology: - Incidence of non-bacterial thrombotic endocarditis (marantic endocarditis if associated with cancer) is largely unknown, though estimated at ~1-1.5% - A study of 200 solid-tumor cancer patients with no signs/syrnptoms of embolic events revealed 19% had cardiac valvular vegetations found via TTE. - Lung, Pancreas, Gastric, and Ovarian Adenocarcinoma are most commonly implicated. Clinical Findings - Systemic Ernboli occur in ~50% of patients. - Imaging: Typically small <1cm, irregularly shaped vegetations on mitral and aortic valve. These are RARELY associated with valvular degeneration. Vegetations mostly just sit on valve, destruction of valve is very uncommon Bryan Ulrich @BryanCUlrich #Marantic #Endocarditis #Diagnosis #Management #Cardiology