Ventilator Alarms
Increased Rate - Patient is tiring on a weaning mode or experiencing pain/anxiety
 - Reassess WOB & provide analgesics/sedation
 - Consult RT/MD & consider adjusting mode/PS
Apnea - Patient fails to take spontaneous breath within set interval (usually 20 seconds)
 - Reassess for over sedation & decrease PRN
 - Assess for tiring & consult RT/MD to adjust to full ventilation PRN
Low Exhaled TV/MV - Patient tiring on weaning mode, ETT cuff orventilator circuit leak, Pressure limit reached in PC mode
 - Auscultate trachea for cuff leak, check pilot balloon, & add air PRN
 - Check circuit for leaks & tighten all connections
 - Consult RT/MD to increase RR in PC mode if MV is low
High Pressure - Coughing, bronchospasms, secretions, pneumothroax, Biting on or kinking of the ETT, Excess water in ETT/circuit
 - Suction patient & remove excess water from tubes
 - Auscultate lungs & provide bronchodilators/order CXR PRN
 - Insert bite block & increase sedation PRN then reassess ETT
Low Pressure - Cuff or circuit leak
 - Auscultate trachea for cuff leak, check pilot balloon, & add air PRN
 - Check circuit for leaks & tighten all connections

Nurse Alyx @thenursealyx -

#Ventilator #Alarms #MechanicalVentilation #Nursing #Differential #Diagnosis #Management
Dr. Gerald Diaz @GeraldMD · 4 years ago
Board Certified Internal Medicine Hospitalist, GrepMed Editor in Chief 🇵🇭 🇺🇸 - Sign up for an account to like, bookmark and upload images to contribute to our community platform. Follow us on IG: | Twitter:
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