Algorithm for the Evaluation of Acute Diarrhea (< 7 days)
Are the following present?
   1. Severe illness: T > 38.50C, abdominal pain, bloody diarrhea, > 6 stools/24 h, dehydration
   2. Immunocompromised patient: AIDS, post-transplantation
   3. Elderly patient (> 70 yrs)
Send stool for following:
   1. Fecal leukocytes
   2. Routine stool culture
   3. C difficile assay, if recent hospitalization or antibiotics
   4. Ova and parasite testing, if:
         a. Diarrhea > 10 days
         b. Travel to endemic region
         c. Community water-borne outbreak
         d. HIV infection or men who have sex with men
Consider empiric antibiotic therapy while awaiting culture, if:
   1. Fecal leukocyte positive
   2. Bloody diarrhea, fever, abdominal pain
   3. Dehydration or > 8 stools/24 h
   4. Immunocompromised
   5. Hospitalization required

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