Commonly Observed Laboratory Findings in Hepatic / Liver Failure - Elevated conjugated and unconjugated bilirubin - Defects in conjugation and excretion of bilirubin - Hypoalbuminemia - Decreased albumin synthesis - Elevated ALT and AST - Elevations of —100-fold with acute liver failure; rapid decline to normal can indicate permanent loss of hepatocytes; in chronic liver disease, ALT and AST can be normal - Hyperammonemia - Impaired urea cycle - Hypoglycemia - Impaired gluconeogenesis in the fasting state after glycogenolysis has exhausted liver glycogen stores - Prolonged PT - Decreased production of clotting factors, malabsorption of vitamin K, and decreased clearance of fibrin-split products - Thrombocytopenia - As a result of DIC or thrombopoietin deficiency - Anemia - Bone marrow suppression leads to chronic anemia; blood loss from esophageal varices - Elevated creatinine and BUN - Decreased urine output; the hepatorenal syndrome may be present; elevated BUN and a normal creatinine can indicate a GI bleed #LiverFailure #Hepatic #Hepatology #Laboratory #Diagnosis #Testing