Pathophysiology of ACE inhibitor-induced angioedema: Angioedema is a vascular reaction associated with tissue (subcutaneous, submucosal) edema resulting from increased activity of vasoactive substances. The vasoactive substances in ACE inhibitor-induced angioedema are bradykinin and substance P. In the presence of ACE inhibition, these enzymes are inactivated through alternative pathways which, if disturbed, lead to angioedema. #Pathophys #EM #IM #Allergy #Kininogen #Bradykinin #ACE #Inhibitor #Angioedema #Angiotensin #Ddxof
Dr. Tom Fadial @tomfadial · 7 years ago
Educational Technology and Innovation Officer at McGovern Medical School | Department of Emergency Medicine. Creator of, | |
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