Dr. Gerald Diaz @GeraldMD
30.7M 13.9K 7.3K
Board Certified Internal Medicine Hospitalist, GrepMed Editor in Chief πŸ‡΅πŸ‡­ πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ - Sign up for an account to like, bookmark and upload images to contribute to our community platform. Follow us on IG: https://www.instagram.com/grepmed/ | Twitter: https://twitter.com/grepmeded/
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65 results
Resuscitative Hysterotomy - Procedure Instructions Reference Card

#Management #OBGyn #Emergency #Resuscitative #Hysterotomy #Algorithm #Procedure #Instructions #Checklist #Teams
#Hysterotomy #Algorithm ... #Instructions #Checklist
Epistaxis Management Algorithm / Checklist

1. blow out clots 
2. vasoconstrictor spray 
3. nose clip or direct
Epistaxis Management Algorithm ... / Checklist ... Nasal #NoseBleed #Algorithm ... #Checklist #ENT
ETT depth may be predicted based on the patient’s height.  This has been validated among
A height-based algorithm ... to your airway checklist ... Intubation #Airway #Checklist
GI Bleed Checklist

Exam, Labs, Access, Coagulation status, 

#Diagnosis #Management #Gastrointestinal #GIBleed #Checklist #CriticalCare
GI Bleed Checklist ... Gastrointestinal #GIBleed #Checklist
DKA Resuscitation Checklist
 - Diagnostic evaluation 
 - Crystalloid 
 - Electrolyte repletion 
 - High-flow
Resuscitation Checklist ... Ketoacidosis #DKA #Checklist
Pre RSI Checklist

I also simplified, clarified, and improved every aspect of the checklist. So here is
Pre RSI Checklist ... aspect of the checklist ... Anesthesia #RSI #Checklist
Paracentesis Procedure Checklist and Supplies
 β€’ Indications
 β€’ Pre-op
 β€’ Preparation and Supplies
 β€’ Insertion
Paracentesis Procedure Checklist ... Paracentesis #Procedure #Checklist
A guide for the interpretation of CT Abdomen/Pelvis

#CTAbdomen #AbdominalCT #Tutorial #Interpretation #Guide #System #Emergency #Radiology #CT
Radiology #CT #Checklist
Initial assessment of the left ventricular assist device (LVAD) patient (Algorithm 1)

#Diagnosis #LVAD #Assessment #Evaluation #Algorithm1
LVAD) patient (Algorithm ... Assessment #Evaluation #Algorithm1
Hyponatremia Algorithm - ADH Dependent vs Independent
#Diagnosis #Nephro #Hyponatremia #ADHIndependent #Differential #Algorithm
Hyponatremia Algorithm ... #Differential #Algorithm