Dr. Gerald Diaz @GeraldMD
30.6M 13.9K 7.3K
Board Certified Internal Medicine Hospitalist, GrepMed Editor in Chief πŸ‡΅πŸ‡­ πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ - Sign up for an account to like, bookmark and upload images to contribute to our community platform. Follow us on IG: https://www.instagram.com/grepmed/ | Twitter: https://twitter.com/grepmeded/
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NSAID Pharmacology

- Amy Chung, MD, MSc @AmyChung 

#NSAIDs #Pharmacology #COX #Cyclooxygenase
NSAID Pharmacology ... AmyChung #NSAIDs #Pharmacology
Beta blocker Conversion Table- Carvedilol, Metoprolol and Bisoprolol Equivalents
Converting between Beta-Blockers: Carvedilol, Metoprolol and Bisoprolol

#Pharmacology #Cardiology
Bisoprolol #Pharmacology ... Text: Clinical Pharmacology
Crystalloid pH, Contents and Costs Compared
Plasma	pH 7.4
Normal Saline	pH 5.5*	
Ringer’s Lactate pH 6.5	
Plasmalyte A pH 6.5	
Coca-cola pH
Comparison #Table #Pharmacology ... LactatedRingers #Plasmalyte #Pharmacology
Loop diuretic PO --> IV conversions 

Furosemide 40 mg PO = Furosemide 20 mg IV =
1 mg PO/IV #Pharmacology ... Text: Clinical Pharmacology
Loop diuretic conversion - Equivalent Doses
Furosemide (Lasix) 40 mg PO = Furosemide 20 mg IV =
1 mg PO/IV #Pharmacology ... Text: Clinical Pharmacology
Lactated Ringer's Medication Compatibility
#Pharmacology #LactatedRinger #LR #RingersLactate #IVInfusion #Medication #Compatibility #Table #Nursing
Compatibility #Pharmacology
Medical Toxicology Antidote Card - American College of Medical Toxicology

#Pharmacology #Management #Toxicology #Antidotes #PocketCard #ACMT #Dosing
Toxicology #Pharmacology
Pain Assessment and Management Initiative (PAMI) - Pain Management and Dosing Guide

#Management #Pain #Pharmacology #Doses #Dosing
Management #Pain #Pharmacology
Antibiotic Considerations for the Medical Resident - Reference Cheatsheet

Dr. Jesse Burk-Rafel @jbrafel

#Antibiotics #Management #Cheatsheet #Pharmacology #Guide
Management #Cheatsheet #Pharmacology
Medication Safety in Pregnancy - Pocketcard for Emergency Providers

#Medications #Pregnancy #Safety #Pregnant #Pocketcard #Pharmacology #Table #Guide
Pregnant #Pocketcard #Pharmacology