Brandon King @brandonking
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5 results

Posterior cerebral artery (PCA) strokes can be challenging to diagnose, due to the variability in symptoms,
Posterior cerebral artery (PCA) strokes can be challenging to diagnose, due to the variability in symptoms, which may be nonspecific and inconsistent upon initial presentation. The incidence of PCA strokes can be estimated between 5% to 10%. Patients may present in a comatose state via ambulance or may walk to an emergency department without assistance. Patients with a PCA stroke may present with only a headache and mild visual changes such as vision loss, diplopia, inability to see half of the view, or difficulty reading perceiving colors, or recognizing familiar faces. Satyendra Dhar MD, @DharSaty #PCAstroke #cva #stroke #antinsyndrome #hemianopia #alexia #agnosia #prosopagnosia #achromatopsia
Circle of Willis and brain circulation 
Herophilus of Chalcedon (335-280 BC), “Father of Anatomy,” described the
Circle of Willis and brain circulation Herophilus of Chalcedon (335-280 BC), “Father of Anatomy,” described the vascular structure at the base of the brain which he named the rete mirabile (Latin for “wonderful net”). Although works of Herophilus were tragically destroyed on Julius Caesar’s invasion of Alexandria, some of his teaching can be found in the writings of Galen, who was said to have possessed all his work. Thomas Willis (1621–1675), a physician and Professor of Natural Philosophy at Oxford in the mid-17th century, demonstrated with great precision both the structure and the function of one major anastomotic arterial system. For this reason, the name of this structure is interchangeable, either as Willis’ circle or as Willis’ polygon, being one of the most famous eponymous structures in human anatomy. Satyendra Dhar MD, @DharSaty #circleofwillis #neuroanaromy #cva #baseofbrain #brain #stroke
Investigating DVT: approach to symptoms suggestive of lower limb deep vein thrombosis
#Diagnosis #DVT #deepvein #thrombosis #wells
Investigating DVT: approach to symptoms suggestive of lower limb deep vein thrombosis #Diagnosis #DVT #deepvein #thrombosis #wells #score #assessment #evaluation #symptoms #bmj
Randomised comparison of needle aspiration and chest tube drainage in spontaneous pneumothorax 

Visual Abstract by Dr.
Randomised comparison of needle aspiration and chest tube drainage in spontaneous pneumothorax Visual Abstract by Dr. Tom Fadial @thame Thelle et al, #Management #EBM #VisualAbstract #Spontaneous #Pneumothorax #NeedleAspiration #ChestTubeDrainage
Decompressive Craniectomy in Diffuse Traumatic Brain Injury (DECRA)

In adults with severe diffuse traumatic brain injury and
Decompressive Craniectomy in Diffuse Traumatic Brain Injury (DECRA) In adults with severe diffuse traumatic brain injury and refractory intracranial hypertension, early bifrontotemporoparietal decompressive craniectomy decreased intracranial pressure and the length of stay in the ICU but was associated with more unfavorable outcomes. Source: N Engl J Med 2011; 364:1493-1502 - Dr. Steve Mathieu - #DECRA #Craniectomy #Decompressive #TBI #VisualAbstract #EBM #DecisionAid #Neurosurgery #Craniotomy