Salim R. Rezaie, MD @srrezaie
434.1K 237 116
The creator and founder of REBEL EM and REBEL Cast, a free, critical appraisal blog and podcast that try to cut down knowledge translation time of research to bedside clinical practice. |
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12 results
Catecholamine Vasopressor Effect Sites and Indications #Pathophys #Management #EM #IM #PCC #Catecholamine #Comparison #Table #Epi #Norepi
Pathophys #Management #EM ... #IM #PCC #Catecholamine
Multiple Uses for Tranexamic Acid (TXA) - Evidence Based Indications and Dosing

Trauma < 3 hrs •
and Dosing Trauma ... Indications #management #EBM ... #trauma
Predicting an anatomically and/or physiologically challenging airway is not a straightforward task by any stretch of
called the HEAVEN criteria ... #Diagnosis #EM # ... PCC #Heaven #Criteria
Operationalization of New Sepsis and Septic Shock Criteria #Diagnosis #Management #EM #IM #QSofa #Score #Sepsis #SepticShock
and Septic Shock Criteria ... Diagnosis #Management #EM
Long-Term PEITHO Results #EBM #EM #IM #PCC #PEITHO #PE #PulmonaryEmbolism #Embolism #RebelEM
How should the modified Sgarbossa Criteria be used in initial evaluation of patients with suspected AMI
modified Sgarbossa Criteria ... emergent primary PCI
ADD-RS Aortic Dissection Detection Risk Score Criteria #Diagnosis #EBM #EM #IM #ADDRS #AorticDissection #Score #Criteria
Detection Risk Score Criteria ... 29030346 #Diagnosis #EBM ... #EM #IM #ADDRS ... AorticDissection #Score #Criteria
TXA: Effect of Treatment Delay on Survival #EBM #EM #OBGyn #Trauma #TXA #TranexamicAcid #RebelEM
Delay on Survival #EBM ... #EM #OBGyn #Trauma
CRASH-3: TXA for ICH? #TXA #managment #EBM #CRASH3 #trauma
TXA #managment #EBM ... #CRASH3 #trauma
Post Intubation Hypotension: The AH SHITE mnemonic #Diagnosis #EM #PCC #AHSHITE #Mnemonic #Postintubation #Hypotension #RebelEM
mnemonic #Diagnosis #EM ... #PCC #AHSHITE #