Salim R. Rezaie, MD @srrezaie
432.9K 237 116
The creator and founder of REBEL EM and REBEL Cast, a free, critical appraisal blog and podcast that try to cut down knowledge translation time of research to bedside clinical practice. |
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16 results
Intranasal Medications

#Pharmacology #Intranasal #Pain #Medications #ComparisonTable
Medications #Pharmacology ... #Intranasal #Pain
REBEL Review 78: Reducing Pain with IO Infusions in Awake Adults 

#IO #intraosseous #lidocaine #Pain #Dosing
Review 78: Reducing Pain ... intraosseous #lidocaine #Pain ... #Dosing #Pharmacology
The Ketorolac Analgesic Ceiling via @EMSwami 
Article: Motov S et al. Comparison of intravenous ketorolac
treating acute pain ... #EBM #Pharmacology
Red Flag Symptoms of Back Pain

#Diagnosis #PrimaryCare #BackPain #RedFlags #TUNAFISH #Mnemonic #RebelEM
Symptoms of Back Pain
Emergency Medicine Medications in Pregnancy 
#Medications #Pregnancy #Safety #Table #RebelEM #Pharmacology #Obstetrics #OBGyn
Table #RebelEM #Pharmacology
REBEL Review 4 & 5: Paralytic & Vasopressor Dosing 

Paralytic Agents:
 - Succinylcholine (Depolarizing Agent)
#criticalcare #pharmacology
Running out of Analgesia and Sedation Medications due to #COVID19?  Anand Swaminathan, MD has put
sedative #analgesia #pharmacology
REBEL Review 71: Treatment of Thyroid Storm 

Propylthiouracil (PTU) 
Saturated Solution of Potassium
management #treatment #pharmacology
REBEL Review 46: Corticosteroid Conversion Chart 

Glucocorticoid, Approximate Equivalent Dose (mg), Relative Anti-Inflammatory (Glucocorticoid) Potency, Relative
comparison #table #pharmacology
The HEART Score for Chest Pain Patients in the ED

Calculate the HEART Score @

#Diagnosis #Management
Score for Chest Pain