Syarifah Amirah Balqis @SA_Balqis
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7 results
Normal urine output 
- 0.5 to 1.5 cc/kg/hour 
- A patient should be urinating at least
Normal urine output - 0.5 to 1.5 cc/kg/hour - A patient should be urinating at least every 6 hours. Oliguria - Decreased urine output < 300cc/m2/24 hours - < 0.5 cc/kg/hour in children - < 1.0 cc/kg/hour in infants - Usually < 500 cc/day in adults Anuria - No or minimal urine output - Usually < 100 mL/day in adults #urine #output #oliguria #anuria #laboratory #shock #classification
Recommendations for Collection of Specimens for Culture from Diabetic Foot Wounds;  Culture specimens should be
Recommendations for Collection of Specimens for Culture from Diabetic Foot Wounds; Culture specimens should be obtained after the wound has been cleansed and debrided. A sample obtained by curettage, the aseptic scraping of tissue at an ulcer base using a scalpel blade or dermal curette, more accurately identifies pathogens than a wound swab. #swab #curettage #bonebiopsy #woundsample #woundculture #culture #diabeticfoot #diabetes #footwound #clinical #aspiration #tissuebiopsy #specimens
Interpretation of Ankle-Brachial Index Results #Diabetes #Peripheral #Arterial #Disease #Diagnosis #ArterialInjury #ABI #AnkleBrachialIndex #Table #Evaluation
Interpretation of Ankle-Brachial Index Results #Diabetes #Peripheral #Arterial #Disease #Diagnosis #ArterialInjury #ABI #AnkleBrachialIndex #Table #Evaluation
Determining the Severity of Diabetic Foot Infection #clinical #diabeticfoot #diabeticfootinfection #assessment #wounds #footwound #photo #surgery #diabetes
Determining the Severity of Diabetic Foot Infection #clinical #diabeticfoot #diabeticfootinfection #assessment #wounds #footwound #photo #surgery #diabetes #neuropathic #ulcer #gangrene #probe #management
Diabetic Foot Infections - Assessment #clinical #diabeticfoot #diabeticfootinfection #assessment #wounds #footwounds #photo #surgery
Diabetic Foot Infections - Assessment #clinical #diabeticfoot #diabeticfootinfection #assessment #wounds #footwounds #photo #surgery
Approach to treating a diabetic patient with a foot infection.

Consider hospitalization if any of the following
Approach to treating a diabetic patient with a foot infection. Consider hospitalization if any of the following criteria are present: systemic toxicity (e.g., fever and leukocytosis); metabolic instability (e.g., severe hypoglycemia or acidosis); rapidly progressive or deep tissue infection, substantial necrosis or gangrene, or presence of critical ischemia; requirement of urgent diagnostic or therapeutic interventions; and inability to care for self or inadequate home support. #diabetic #diabeticfootinfection #diabeticfootulcer #footwound #algorithm #assessment
Approach to treating a diabetic patient with a foot wound #diabetic #diabeticfootinfection #diabeticfootulcer #footwound #algorithm #assessment
Approach to treating a diabetic patient with a foot wound #diabetic #diabeticfootinfection #diabeticfootulcer #footwound #algorithm #assessment