Gerardo Hernandez @DrGerardoHernandez
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Interests: teaching, Community Medicine, underserved communities, mentorship
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12 results
 - Skin-colored to brown papule or nodule 
 - Firm, indurated texture 
Dermatofibroma #Dermatology
Sebaceous hyperplasia 
 - Yellow papule 
 - Donut-shape 
 - Central umbilication 
 - Telangiectasia
#Hyperplasia #Dermatology
Blue nevus 
 - Dark blue-gray macule or papule 
 - Well-circumscribed 
 - Melanin localized
#Blue #Nevus #Dermatology
Topical Corticosteroid Potencies 
High Potency:
Betamethasone dipropionate 0.05% 
Clobestasol propionate 0.05%
Halobetasol propionate 0.05%
Desoximetasone 0.05%, 0.25%
Fluocinonide 0.05%
Medium Potency:
the most common dermatologic ... #Pharmacology #Dermatology
Chondrodermatitis nodularis 
 - Scaly papule on ear, usually helix 
 - Painful, especially when sleeping
Chondrodermatitis #Nodularis #Dermatology
Seborrheic keratosis 
 - Well-circumscribed, stuck-on appearance 
 - Waxy texture 
 - Verrucous surface
Seborrheic #Keratosis #Dermatology
Molluscum Contagiosum 
 • Most common in school-age children 
 • Transmitted by direct contact
Clinical #Management #Dermatology
Seborrheic keratoses vary widely in appearance - one of the most common benign skin lesions that
Keratosis #Keratoses #Dermatology
Global Alliance algorithm to improve outcomes in acne.
†With small nodules (>0.5–1 cm).
‡Consider physical removal of comedones.
#Management #Dermatology
Mild Acne Treatment - Comedones (black/whiteheads), +/- few pustules 
1. Benzoyl Peroxide (BP) 
2. Topical Retinoid
#Pharmacology #Dermatology