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Kussmaul Breathing Pattern

Demonstration of Kussmaul breathing pattern seen here in Diabetic Ketoacidosis.  Initial pH was
Kussmaul Breathing Pattern Demonstration of Kussmaul breathing pattern seen here in Diabetic Ketoacidosis. Initial pH was 6.95 and glucose was 812. Kussmaul breathing is a deep and labored breathing pattern often associated with severe metabolic acidosis. #Kussmaul #Breathing #Pattern #Pulmonary #Sign #PhysicalExam #Clinical #Video #Respiratory
Cheyne-Stokes Respirations - Also known as periodic respiration, Cheyne-Stokes (RCS) is a type of central sleep
Cheyne-Stokes Respirations - Also known as periodic respiration, Cheyne-Stokes (RCS) is a type of central sleep apnea characterized by an irregular respiration that follows a growing-decreasing rhythm RCS negatively affects blood oxygen levels, which can affect health. Suleiman Yunus @ManusySuleiman #CheyneStokes #Respiration #Breathing #Pattern #PhysicalExam #Clinical #Video #Pulmonary #Respiratory
Characteristics of Breath Sounds 

Vesicular, Broncho-vesicular, Bronchial, Tracheal 

#Auscultation #Breath #Sounds #PhysicalExam #Lung #Pulmonary #Diagnosis

** GrepMed
Characteristics of Breath Sounds Vesicular, Broncho-vesicular, Bronchial, Tracheal #Auscultation #Breath #Sounds #PhysicalExam #Lung #Pulmonary #Diagnosis ** GrepMed Recommended Text: Bates' Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking - https://amzn.to/2Z6LYmf
ST Segment Elevation Morphologies #Diagnosis #Cardiology #MedStudent #EKG #STSegment #Morphologies #Elevation #Concave #Convex #Face #ECGEducator
ST Segment Elevation Morphologies #Diagnosis #Cardiology #MedStudent #EKG #STSegment #Morphologies #Elevation #Concave #Convex #Face #ECGEducator
Some of the techniques used for Antenatal Diagnosis

 - Chromosome/micro-array and DNA analysis 
Some of the techniques used for Antenatal Diagnosis Amniocentesis - Chromosome/micro-array and DNA analysis - Fetal infection — PCR Fetal blood sampling - Fetal haemoglobin for anaemia - Fetal infection serology - Fetal blood transfusion Chorionic villus sampling - Chromosome/micro-array and DNA analysis - Fetal infection — PCR - Enzyme analysis of inborn error of metabolism Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) - In vitro fertilisation allows genetic analysis of cells from developing embryo before transfer to the uterus Fetoscopy - Minimally invasive surgery, e.g. laser photo-coagulation of communicating vessels in twin—twin transfusion syndrome. Non-invasive genetic diagnosis — free fetal DNA from maternal blood - Identification of fetal gender and rhesus status #Antenatal #Testing #Diagnosis #Laboratory #Obstetrics #OBGyn
Comprehensive Urinalysis Interpretation

#Urinalysis #Interpretation #Laboratory #Diagnosis
Comprehensive Urinalysis Interpretation #Urinalysis #Interpretation #Laboratory #Diagnosis