Sonostuff @sonostuff
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Dr. Michael Schick | | Education and entertainment for the ultrasound enthusiast | |
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4 results
Scrotal Ultrasound showing ringdown artifact indicating air within soft tissues in case of Fournier Gangrene

Dr. Michael
Scrotal Ultrasound ... Clinical #POCUS #Scrotom ... #Scrotal #Fourniers
"Scrotal Pain + Uganda:Almost never see it in the developed world unless you are like this
"Scrotal Pain + ... He had scrotal pain ... InfectiousDiseases #Scrotom ... #Scrotal #Filariasis
QA of the Day: Not a lava lamp, HUGE complex hydrocele
#Clinical	#EM #Radiology #Urology	#POCUS #Scrotom #ScrotalUS #Complex
Urology #POCUS #Scrotom
QA of the Day. Sudden Testicular pain, fluid around the teste. Turned out to be a
Urology #POCUS #Scrotom