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Free medical education resource website with a collection of diagrams, tables and flowcharts for learning, revision and quick referencing. Visit us at
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Summary table of autoimmune diseases and the specific antibody related to the disease. Visit for
Summary table of ... autoimmune diseases ... medical diagrams, tables ... #diagnosis #algorithm ... #table #autoimmune
Summary table of common benign breast diseases and how to manage them. 
 • Most common
Summary table of ... common benign breast ... • Most common benign ... fever Lipoma: • Benign ... surgery #causes #table
Flowchart of the function of the renin-angiotensin aldosterone system (RAAS)

#renin #angiotensin #aldosterone #system #RAAS #system #algorithm
function of the renin-angiotensin ... system (RAAS) #renin ... #RAAS #system #algorithm
Flowchart guide to interpreting thyroid function tests. Visit for more medical diagrams, tables and flowcharts
medical diagrams, tables ... #differential #algorithm
Summary of haemotology cell lineages and the malignancies associated with them. Visit for more medical
medical diagrams, tables ... #algorithm #hematology
Summary of types of haemolytic anaemia. Visit for more medical diagrams, tables and flowcharts for
medical diagrams, tables ... #differential #algorithm
Flowchart to interpreting pleural fluid analysis using Light's criteria and based on the British Thoracic Society
medical diagrams, tables ... lights #criteria #algorithm
Diagnostic criteria for diabetes flowchart. Visit for more medical diagrams, tables and flowcharts for use
medical diagrams, tables ... #diagnosis #algorithm
Summary flowchart for investigating suspected pulmonary embolism. Visit for more medical diagrams, tables and flowcharts
medical diagrams, tables ... #diagnosis #algorithm
Summary of commonly used antibiotics based on NICE antimicrobial prescription guidelines. Visit for more medical
medical diagrams, tables ... #management #algorithm