David Carroll @davidkencarroll
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EM PGY2 #POCUS, ECGs, Resus #FOAMed <3
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6 results
#POCUS clip in the RUQ with findings suggestive of a perforated viscus
-complex free fluid in Morrison's
#POCUS clip in the RUQ with findings suggestive of a perforated viscus -complex free fluid in Morrison's Pouch -focal enhancement of the peritoneal stripe with reverberation artifacts suggestive of free air -incidental right pleural effusion with extension of the thoracic spine sign #ultrasound #pocus #abdominal #emergency #clinical
#POCUS of the posterior lung bases in a (#covid19 negative) patient with severe idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
#POCUS of the posterior lung bases in a (#covid19 negative) patient with severe idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis showing: -thickened, irregular pleural line -lung rockets (sonographic interstitial syndrome) #LUS #ultrasound #EM #emergency #lung #pulmonary
#butterfly #pocus showing moderate right sided hydronephrosis secondary to an obstructing UVJ stone (not shown)
View: right
#butterfly #pocus showing moderate right sided hydronephrosis secondary to an obstructing UVJ stone (not shown) View: right midaxillary line, probe in transverse orientation #ultrasound #emergencymedicine
hyperdynamic LV, oscillating echogenic mass on the anterior leaflet of the MV with severe eccentric MR,
hyperdynamic LV, oscillating echogenic mass on the anterior leaflet of the MV with severe eccentric MR, culture+ infective endocarditis #pocus #echocardiogram #a4c #ultrasound
#pocus in a ventilated patient with #covid showing:
Row 1: bilateral, diffuse ground glass (lung) rockets with
#pocus in a ventilated patient with #covid showing: Row 1: bilateral, diffuse ground glass (lung) rockets with a fragmented/irregular pleural line Row 2: non-compressible common femoral vein with a non-occlusive thrombus in the lumen outlined by adjacent color dopper flow #foamed #emergencymedicine #covid19 #criticalcare
Subcostal 4 chamber and short axis views of a patient with a submassive pulmonary embolism
Featured on
Subcostal 4 chamber and short axis views of a patient with a submassive pulmonary embolism Featured on the https://www.thepocusatlas.com/ #pocus #ultrasound #echocardiogram #cardiology