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Pathogens Causing Bloody Diarrhea = SEECSY Mnemonic

SEECSY= Bloody diarrhea doesn’t sounds SEXY 
S = Salmonella
E =
Causing Bloody Diarrhea ... SEECSY= Bloody diarrhea ... JonathanBwalya/bacterial-diarrhea ... Pathogens #Bloody #Diarrhea ... #Differential #
H’s and T’s Mnemonic - Causes of Cardiac Arrest
H's - Hypovolemia, Hypoxia, Hydrogen Ions (acidosis), Hyperkalemia
Arrest #Causes #differential
MOVE STUPID - Mnemonic for Altered Mental Status (Delirium)
 - Metabolic (hypercalcemia, hyponatremia)
 - Oxygen (hypoxia)
encephalopathy #differential
AEIOU TIPS - Mnemonic for Causes of Altered Mental Status
A - Alcohol, Acidosis, Ammonia, Arrhythmia
E -
encephalopathy #diagnosis #differential
Causes of Erythema Nodosum - Mnemonic

NO cause found in 60% of cases
Drugs (antibiotics e.g., sulfonamides, amoxicillin)
Mnemonic #Causes #Differential
VINDICATE - Differential Diagnosis Mnemonic
Use this mnemonic to generate a thorough differential diagnosis for any condition.
VINDICATE - Differential ... generate a thorough differential ... Metabolic #VINDICATE #Differential
Faget Sign - Pulse-Temperature Dissociation
Causes of Relative Bradycardia
 • Infectious Causes: Legionella, Psittacosis, Q fever, Typhoid
#bradycardia #differential
VON-CHOP Mnemonic for Orthopedic Emergencies
V - Vascular compromise (eg ischemic leg)
O - Open fracture
N - Neurological
diagnosis #consult #differential