Rachel Suk @rachelsuk
125.3K 42 20
Graduated with a B.S. in Psychobiology at UC Davis. Working as a Junior Specialist for the Duration of Untreated Psychosis (DUP) Project within the UC Davis TCAN Lab. Applying to the 2019-2020 medical school application cycle. Interests in Internal Medicine and Psychiatry.
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8 results
Diagnosing Young Adults With Hip Pain
#HipPain #Diagnosis #Orthopedics #BMJ
Diagnosing Young ... Pain #HipPain #Diagnosis
Investigating DVT: approach to symptoms suggestive of lower limb deep vein thrombosis
#Diagnosis #DVT #deepvein #thrombosis #wells
vein thrombosis #Diagnosis
DSMV Improvements in Bipolar Disorder Diagnosis
#diagnosis #DSM5 #Psychiatry #Criteria #BipolarDisorder #BPD #changes
Bipolar Disorder Diagnosis ... #diagnosis #DSM5
Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD): Signs and Symptoms
#PAD #PeripheralArteryDisease #diagnosis #symptoms #atherosclerosis #patientinfo #BMJ
PeripheralArteryDisease #diagnosis
The thumb sign in epiglottitis is a manifestation of an oedematous and enlarged epiglottis which is
it suggests a diagnosis
Gallbladder perforation is a rare complication of acute cholecystitis with a higher morbidity and mortality than
Diagnosis is often
Annular pancreas is a morphological anomaly which can cause duodenal obstruction. This condition is important to
first to make the diagnosis
Gastric lipomas are a location-specific subtype of gastrointestinal lipomas and represent a rare benign mesenchymal tumours
be definitively diagnosed