Rachel Suk @rachelsuk
125.4K 42 20
Graduated with a B.S. in Psychobiology at UC Davis. Working as a Junior Specialist for the Duration of Untreated Psychosis (DUP) Project within the UC Davis TCAN Lab. Applying to the 2019-2020 medical school application cycle. Interests in Internal Medicine and Psychiatry.
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20 results
The thumb sign in epiglottitis is a manifestation of an oedematous and enlarged epiglottis which is
The thumb sign in ... #thumb #sign #epiglottitis ... #epiglottis #xray
Spiral fracture of the distal tibial shaft with 90 degrees of lateral angulation (so the lateral
maisonneuve #ortho #xray
Ultrasound-Guided Regional Nerve Blocks in Emergency Medicine: Superficial Cervical Plexus Nerve Block
Uses in the Emergency Department:
Ultrasound-Guided ... #nerve #block #ultrasound
#rigler #sign #double #wall #abdomen #pneumoperitoneum #xray #radiology
#rigler #sign #double ... pneumoperitoneum #xray
Ultrasound-Guided Regional Nerve Blocks in Emergency Medicine: Interscalene Brachial Plexus Nerve Block
Uses in the Emergency Department:
Ultrasound-Guided ... #nerve #block #ultrasound
Ultrasound-Guided Regional Nerve Blocks in Emergency Medicine: Supraclavicular Brachial Plexus Nerve Block
Uses in the Emergency Department:
Ultrasound-Guided ... #nerve #block #ultrasound
Massive pneumoperitoneum is evident by the excessive free gas in the abdominal cavity, including the bilateral
(hepatic edge sign ... ​​double wall sign ... (or Rigler sign ... doublewallsign #xray
Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD): Signs and Symptoms
#PAD #PeripheralArteryDisease #diagnosis #symptoms #atherosclerosis #patientinfo #BMJ
Disease (PAD): Signs
The breast within a breast sign refers to the common mammographic appearance of breast hamartomas (fibroadenolipomas).
within a breast sign
The speech bubble (or talk bubble) sign is one ascribed to the appearances of a Baker's
or talk bubble) sign ... Baker's #cyst #sign ... #bubble #neck #ultrasound