Empiric Antibiotic Card Game @EmpiricGame
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Empiric is an antibiotic card game to teach #IDSA, #CDC and #AAP based antibiotic selection for common and important infections. Http://empiricgame.com
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#Azithromycin for respiratory infections in children. #AMR #Stewardship #Amoxicilin @Streptococcuspneumoniae
#Azithromycin for respiratory infections in children. #AMR #Stewardship #Amoxicilin @Streptococcuspneumoniae
Infographic of common causes of acute otitis media and resistance mechanisms of these bacteria. 
Streptococcus pneumoniae
Infographic of common causes of acute otitis media and resistance mechanisms of these bacteria. Streptococcus pneumoniae Haemophilus influenzae Moraxella catarrhalis Group a streptococcus #AOM #OtitisMedia #PenicillinBindingProtein #Resistance #microbiology #differential #diagnosis #antibiotics #EmpiricGame
Modified penicillin binding proteins as mechanism of resistance to antibiotics.
Penicillin Binding Proteins (Transpeptidases) cross link peptidoglycan
Modified penicillin binding proteins as mechanism of resistance to antibiotics. Penicillin Binding Proteins (Transpeptidases) cross link peptidoglycan which stabilizes the cell wall - Beta-lactam antibiotics like PCN and cephalosporins bind PBPS active site and block this function - Vancomycin blocks the process by binding the terminal D-Ala, D-Ala Resistance: - Streptococcus pneumoniae will modify the PBPS so that PCN does not bind as well. THIS CAN BE OVERCOME: - Giving more antibiotic (e.g. high dose amox for an ear infection) - Switch to cephalosporin (e.g. CTX for a complicated pneumonia or pneumonia in unvaccinated) - Add vancomycin to CTX (e.g. pneumococcal meningitis) RESISTANCE: - Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus makes a different transpeptidase which functions even in presence of PCNs or cephalosporins. - Vancomycin again remains active as it works at a different site. #Penicillin #Binding #Proteins #AMR #PBP #pharmacology #antibiotics #resistance