Giselle Falconi, MD @GFalconi
488.9K 188 104
Giselle is passionate about health care disparities, interprofessional education and culturally competent care. She is originally from Peru and is interested in pursuing a fellowship in Geriatric Medicine after residency.
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29 results
"Normal Kidney" by

#Pocus #nephrology #kidney #ultrasound #diagnosis #management #clinical
diagnosis #management #clinical
Nevus araneus Aka spider angioma

#spidernevi #angioma #cirrhosis #liverdisease #spiderangioma #dermatology #skin #clinical #diagnosis
dermatology #skin #clinical
Diagnosis of active multiple myeloma is not just CRAB; it's actually "SLiM CRAB" @Majorajay & @Vincentrk

Hypercalcemia #Anemia #Clinical
MDRO: Multiple Drug Resistant Organism (Stenehjem E et al. Clin Infect Dis. 2016; 63(10): 1273-1280)

#AntibioticClassificationSchema #Antibiotics
Antibiotics #MDRO #clinical
Disorders associated with an increased D-dimer value 
via @GoodishIntent 

#Clinical #Diagnosis #Ddimer
GoodishIntent #Clinical
"The majority of cases of acute mesenteric ischemia are the result of acute arterial occlusion resulting
SuperiorMesentericArtery #clinical
Rockwood Clinical Frailty Score

There is no single generally accepted clinical definition of frailty. Previously developed tools
Rockwood Clinical ... generally accepted clinical ... Diagnosis #Geriatrics #Clinical
Causes of acute intestinal obstruction:
-Adhesive disease

#Clinical #IntestinalObstruction #Differential #Surgery #Gastroenterology
Volvulus -Other #Clinical
Colonoscopy showing a protruding vessel with active bleeding and normal surrounding mucosa suggestive of Dieulafoy's lesion.

#clinical #diagnosis
Cameron lesions are gastric erosions of the mucosal folds near the diaphragmatic hiatus in the presence
#clinical #photo