Giselle Falconi, MD @GFalconi
492.4K 188 104
Giselle is passionate about health care disparities, interprofessional education and culturally competent care. She is originally from Peru and is interested in pursuing a fellowship in Geriatric Medicine after residency.
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21 results
MoCA: Montreal Cognitive Assessment 

#Diagnosis #Geriatrics #Dementia #Montreal #Cognitive #Assessment #MoCA #MSE #Evaluation #Score
Diagnosis #Geriatrics #Dementia ... Assessment #MoCA #MSE
The Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) is commonly used as a screening tool to detect dementia. However,
State Examination (MMSE ... tool to detect dementia ... Diagnosis #Geriatrics #Dementia
Forgetfulness: Normal or Not?

Features of Normal Age Related Forgetfulness versus Serious Memory Problems in Dementia.

#Diagnosis #Geriatrics
Memory Problems in Dementia ... Diagnosis #Geriatrics #Dementia
Unicondylar proximal phalangeal fractures can be classified into four basic groups: oblique volar (I), long sagittal
fracture #Radiology #MSK
SLU Mental Status Examination Tool
What does the SLU Mental Status Exam Test Do?
Q1-Q3: Attention, immediate recall,
Diagnosis #Geriatrics #Dementia ... #SLUMS #MSE #MentalStatus
Delirium Precipitants in the Elderly

I think of delirium like the AKI of the brain. Baseline risk
organ disease (ie dementia
Cholinesterase Inhibitor (ChEl) and Memantine Deprescribing Algorithm 

To support health care professionals in employing the recommendations
Management #Geriatrics #Dementia
Delirium Do's And Don'ts  Guideline

These are my delirium do’s and don’ts which I tweeted earlier,
earlier, anyone can use ... them or DM me and
To be eligible for hospice beneficiaries with Alzheimer’s disease must have a FAST Scale of greater
Score #Alzheimers #Dementia
Hypoxemia vs Hypoxia
Hypoxemia - Partial pressure of arterial oxygen (PaO2) is below normal
Hypoxia - Insufficient oxygen
are unable to use