Giselle Falconi, MD @GFalconi
493.9K 188 104
Giselle is passionate about health care disparities, interprofessional education and culturally competent care. She is originally from Peru and is interested in pursuing a fellowship in Geriatric Medicine after residency.
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17 results
Abbreviated Beers List of Medications to Avoid in the Elderly

The Beers List, which was updated in
Abbreviated Beers List ... Elderly The Beers List ... regulation.11 The Beers List ... available.11 The list ... #Pharmacology #Deprescribing
Anticholinergic Cognitive Burden Scale (ACB Scale)
Categorical Scoring:
 •	 Possible anticholinergics include those listed with ascore
Burden #Geriatrics #Deprescribing ... #Medications #List
Cholinesterase Inhibitor (ChEl) and Memantine Deprescribing Algorithm 

To support health care professionals in employing the recommendations
and Memantine Deprescribing ... developed a two-page deprescribing ... Cholinesterase #Inhibitors #Deprescribing
STOPPFrail screening tool for deprescribing medications in frail older adults with poor survival prognosis. 

#STOPPFrail #Deprescribing
screening tool for deprescribing ... #STOPPFrail #Deprescribing
Deprescribing Algorithm for Deciding Order and Mode in which Drug Use Could be Discontinued

#Management #Geriatrics #Deprescribing
Deprescribing Algorithm ... Management #Geriatrics #Deprescribing
Deprescribing algorithm for proton pump inhibitors

To support clinicians in employing the recommendations outlined in the guideline,
Deprescribing algorithm ... piloted a two-page deprescribing ... ProtonPumpInhibitors #Deprescribing
Reducing Inappropriate Polypharmacy: An often unmet need

#Management #Geriatrics #Deprescribing #Protocol #Algorithm #Polypharmacy
Management #Geriatrics #Deprescribing
Propagation of appropriate and problematic prescribing cascade @AGSjournal

#Geriatrics #polypharmacy #DeprescribingCascade #Management #PrimaryCare
and problematic prescribing
Prescribing cascade is when a new drug is prescribed, causing an adverse drug effect that is
Prescribing cascade ... Management #Geriatrics #Deprescribing
To be eligible for hospice beneficiaries with Alzheimer’s disease must have a FAST Scale of greater
intelligible vocabulary lost