Giselle Falconi, MD @GFalconi
489.4K 188 104
Giselle is passionate about health care disparities, interprofessional education and culturally competent care. She is originally from Peru and is interested in pursuing a fellowship in Geriatric Medicine after residency.
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15 results
STOPPFrail screening tool for deprescribing medications in frail older adults with poor survival prognosis. 

#STOPPFrail #Deprescribing
deprescribing medications ... Tool #Checklist #Medications ... #Elderly #Geriatrics
Abbreviated Beers List of Medications to Avoid in the Elderly

The Beers List, which was updated in
Beers List of Medications ... to Avoid in the Elderly ... List includes 48 medications ... which certain medications ... #Geriatrics #Medications
Numerous drugs taken by elderly persons can affect water balance by direct action on the kidney
drugs taken by elderly ... #Hyponatremia #Medications
Week 8 – Delirium in the elderly
 - Strata5 @Nrtaylor101

#Delirium #SMASHED #Mnemonic #Differential #Diagnosis #Geriatrics #Elderly
Delirium in the elderly ... Diagnosis #Geriatrics #Elderly
Delirium Precipitants in the Elderly

I think of delirium like the AKI of the brain. Baseline risk
Precipitants in the Elderly ... #Precipitants #Elderly
After emergency intubation, 33% percent of older adults die during the index hospitalization. #EBM #PatientInfo #Geriatrics
PatientInfo #Geriatrics #Elderly
In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest - Decision Aid
Among "elderly patients who undergo resuscitation after in-hospital cardiac arrest", at
Decision Aid Among "elderly ... chart, one in two elderly
Anticholinergic Cognitive Burden Scale (ACB Scale)
Categorical Scoring:
 •	 Possible anticholinergics include those listed with ascore
each selected medication ... Anticholinergic medications ... Deprescribing #Medications
A priority in this project was to appropriately stratify participants into a low, medium, or high-intensity
entitled “Stopping Elderly
The Strategies to Reduce Injuries and Develop Confidence in Elders Intervention: Falls Risk Factor Assessment and
Confidence in Elders