Pravin Patel, PhD @pravinpatel_PhD
45.9K 92 51
Currently, I am a medical student at Drexel University College of Medicine, Class of 2024. My ambition is to become a physician-scientist and I look forward to continuing my training acquiring the full suite of research and clinical capabilities so that I can improve lives both at the bench and the bed side. My current research interests involve gaining a superior understanding of the interplay between hematology and immunology by investigating the role platelets as members of the innate immune system and their functions in immune-mediated pathologies
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14 results
#Abnormal Uterine bleeding. #Late #Bleeding #Pregnancy #Differential #Diagnosis #Algorithm #Causes #Obstetrics #OBGyn
#AUB #Abnormal #Uterine #Bleeding #Mnemonic
#Abnormal Uterine ... #Differential #Diagnosis ... #OBGyn #AUB #Abnormal ... Mnemonic #PALMCOEIN #Diagnosis
The hematopoietic tree and the resulting leukemias and lymphomas 
The hematopoietic tree refers to the hierarchical
accumulation of abnormal ... hand, involve the abnormal ... presence of immature, abnormal ... with mature but abnormal ... which are large abnormal
Nephritic nephrotic algorithm. #kidney #Nephritic #Nephrotic #Syndrome #Comparison #Algorithm #Nephrology #Diagnosis
Algorithm #Nephrology #Diagnosis
Hyperkalemia Hypokalemia - Differential Diagnosis and Management Algorithm

Dr Pravin Patel

#Hypokalemia #Hyperkalemia #potassium #differential #diagnosis #management
- Differential Diagnosis ... #differential #diagnosis
UTI treatment
#Diagnosis #UrinaryTract #Infection #UTI #Definition #Uncomplicated  #UrinaryTract #Infection #UTI #Algorithm #Diagnosis #Management #Urinary #Tract
UTI treatment #Diagnosis ... UTI #Algorithm #Diagnosis ... UTI #Algorithm #Diagnosis
Heart Sounds
#Heart Murmurs #Heart Sounds #Algorithm #Heart #Murmurs #cardiology #diagnosis #differential
Murmurs #cardiology #diagnosis
Syncope is a sudden, transient loss of consciousness, which is thought to be secondary to cerebral
The diagnostic approach ... out differential diagnoses ... Further diagnostics
Myositis and Myopathies
#ESR #CK #Differential diagnosis of myopathy 
#Inflammatory #myopathies	#Dermatomyositis	
#muscle weakness
#Inclusion body myositis
#Polymyalgia rheumatica	
#Hypothyroid myopathy	
#Muscle stiffness
#Differential diagnosis
Pap Smear Algorithm 
#Diagnosis #Pap #Smear #Test #Cervical #HPV #Screening #PrimaryCare #Management #Vaccination #Gynecology
Smear Algorithm #Diagnosis
Schizophrenia spectrum disorders
Schizoaffective disorder 
•	is Schizophreniform/Schizophrenia plus Manic or depressive symptoms. 
•	Key is the finding of
weeks needed for diagnosis ... symptoms needed for diagnosis