Pravin Patel, PhD @pravinpatel_PhD
45.9K 92 51
Currently, I am a medical student at Drexel University College of Medicine, Class of 2024. My ambition is to become a physician-scientist and I look forward to continuing my training acquiring the full suite of research and clinical capabilities so that I can improve lives both at the bench and the bed side. My current research interests involve gaining a superior understanding of the interplay between hematology and immunology by investigating the role platelets as members of the innate immune system and their functions in immune-mediated pathologies
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7 results
Hyperkalemia Hypokalemia - Differential Diagnosis and Management Algorithm

Dr Pravin Patel

#Hypokalemia #Hyperkalemia #potassium #differential #diagnosis #management
Diagnosis and Management ... differential #diagnosis #management
UTI treatment
#Diagnosis #UrinaryTract #Infection #UTI #Definition #Uncomplicated  #UrinaryTract #Infection #UTI #Algorithm #Diagnosis #Management #Urinary #Tract
Algorithm #Diagnosis #Management ... Algorithm #Diagnosis #Management
Diagnosis and management of lead poisoning

#lead  #poisoning #Diagnosis #management #toxicology
Diagnosis and management ... poisoning #Diagnosis #management
Pap Smear Algorithm 
#Diagnosis #Pap #Smear #Test #Cervical #HPV #Screening #PrimaryCare #Management #Vaccination #Gynecology
#PrimaryCare #Management
preterm labor
 #Diagnosis #Management #PrimaryCare #Obgyn #PTL #PPROM #PretermLabor #PretermPrematureRuptureOfMembranes #PrematurerRupture #BMJ
#Diagnosis #Management
gestational diabetes algorithm
#Infant #Diabetic #Mother #Pediatrics #Neonatology #IDM #NICU #OBGYN #Diagnosis #Pathophysiology #Maternal #Complications #Peds #Newborn
#PatientInfo #Management
Syncope is a sudden, transient loss of consciousness, which is thought to be secondary to cerebral
further guide management