Dr. Michael Chew @mchew85
475.3K 235 125
GrepMed Gastroenterology-Hepatology Editor, Academic Hospitalist UC Davis Medical Center Internal Medicine, Yale Gastroenterology Fellow '22
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14 results
Tweetorial - What's the deal with Ammonia in hepatic encephalopathy?

Try to answer this question while also
the deal with Ammonia ... also showing 1) Ammonia ... @ebtapper #Ammonia ... Tweetorial #Hepatology #Pathophysiology
Ammonia Levels & Hepatic Encephalopathy in Patients with Chronic Liver Disease 
Choosing Wisely: Things We Do
Ammonia Levels & ... hospital-medicine/ammonia-levels-and-hepatic-encephalopathy-patients-known ... #Ammonia #Testing
Shotgun Laboratory Testing for Severe Acute Livery Injury


#TWDFNR #Testing #Laboratory #LiverInjury #Diagnosis #Workup #Hepatology #EBM #ChoosingWisely
Cirrhosis - Pathophysiology
 - Ascites Formation
 - Dilutional Hyponatremia
 - Hepatorenal Syndrome
 - Spontaneous Infections

#Cirrhosis #Pathophysiology
Cirrhosis - Pathophysiology ... #Cirrhosis #Pathophysiology
Carcinoid Syndrome - Pathophysiology, Signs and Symptoms
Symptoms: Flushing, diarrhea, palpitations, bronchospasm
Complications: Carcinoid heart, mesenteric fibrosis, pellagra,
Carcinoid Syndrome - Pathophysiology ... Carcinoid #Syndrome #Pathophysiology
Primary Biliary Cirrhosis - Pathophysiology
Environmental Risk Factors: Geographic location, Smoking, Microbial triggers, Xenobiotics, Nail polish
Epigentics Risk
Biliary Cirrhosis - Pathophysiology ... relative with PBC Pathophysiology ... Biliary #Cirrhosis #Pathophysiology
Functions of the Liver


#Pathophysiology #Functions #Liver #Hepatology #Synthesis #Storage #Metabolism
Synthesis #Pathophysiology
Functional Dyspepsia - Pathophysiology, Diagnosis and Management
Risk factors: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, Psychological comorbidity, Helicobacter pylori infection,
Functional Dyspepsia - Pathophysiology ... Functional #Dyspepsia #Pathophysiology
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) - Pathophysiology, Diagnosis and Management Algorithm
Risk factors: Previous acute enteric infection, Female
Syndrome (IBS) - Pathophysiology ... Bowel #Syndrome #Pathophysiology
Functional Dyspepsia - Signs, Symptoms and Pathophysiology
Delayed gastric emptying - Postprandial fullness, nausea, vomiting
Hypersensitivity to gastric
, Symptoms and Pathophysiology ... Functional #Dyspepsia #Pathophysiology