Satyendra Dhar, MD @DharSaty
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Hospital Medicine Assistant Clinical Professor The images and content on this website are furnished solely for didactic and elucidative purposes. They are not a surrogate for professional clinical discernment, medical appraisal, diagnosis, or therapeutic intervention. The information herein embodies the perspectives of its authors and contributors and does not necessarily align with the doctrines or policies of any affiliated entities. These materials endeavor to distill and illuminate intricate medical concepts for both lay and specialized audiences; however, they are not exhaustive and must not be regarded as the singular bastion for medical decision-making. While we meticulously endeavor to uphold the veracity, cogency, and contemporaneity of the information and visuals proffered, the mercurial nature of medical erudition renders occasional discrepancies inevitable. Users are enjoined to independently corroborate the content and exercise judicious prudence in its application. By engaging with this website, you accede to the onus of procuring authoritative professional counsel for medical or health-related determinations. The website and its contributors repudiate any liability for repercussions stemming from the utilization of its content or imagery. 👉 Follow 'Medical Infographics' on 👉
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Total daily dose of insulin (TDD) =
& most type 2 DM ... DharSaty #insulin #diabetes ... hyperglycemia #dm2 ... #basalinsulin
Management of Diabetes Mellitus in Patients With CKD

1. Monitor for changes in BP, serum creatinine, &
Management of Diabetes ... T2D, CKD, & an eGFR ... ml/min per 1.73 m2 ... #Diabetes #CKD # ... ADA #KDIGO #eGFR
Estimating the Total Daily Dose (TDD) of Insulin: Weight-Based Dosing
TDD in units of insulin = N
including most type 1 diabetics ... including most 2 diabetics ... endocrinology #diabetes ... #DM2

•	Indicator of kidney damage and / or a biomarker of systemic diseases dates back to 1969,
newly diagnosed diabetes ... independent of eGFR ... cardiovascular #eGFR
Living with Diabetes - Patient Information Handout

Satyendra Dhar, MD @DharSaty

#Living #Diabetes #PatientInfo #endocrinology #DM2
Living with Diabetes ... DharSaty #Living #Diabetes ... endocrinology #DM2
Celiac disease is an immune-mediated, multisystem disorder that affects genetically susceptible individuals who are exposed to
including type 1 diabetes ... antigen alleles DQ2