Boby Varkey Maramattom @bobvarkey
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Lead consultant Neurologist, Aster Medcity, Kochi, India. Internal medicine faculty Royal college of UK
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18 results
Convergence Retraction Nystagmus with a left 6th nerve palsy

Caused by a Midbrain hemorrhage

Dr. Boby Varkey Maramattom
video #neurology #ophthalmology
Opsoclonus Myoclonus Ataxia Syndrome (OMAS) on Physical Exam

Dancing eyes and dancing feet in an adult [Aka-
video #neurology #ophthalmology
Haemolacria and Spontaneous Globe Rupture on Physical Exam

One of the most horrendous complications of Dengue hemorrhagic
globe #rupture #ophthalmology
Oculoskeletal Myorhythmia on Physical Exam

Resulting from a brainstem hemorrhage.

Dr. Boby Varkey Maramattom @bobvarkey

#Oculoskeletal #Myorhythmia #PhysicalExam #clinical
video #neurology #ophthalmology
Ocular Flutter on Examination

Encephalitis and Ocular Flutter Due to an Undifferentiated Connective Tissue Disorder

Dr. Boby Varkey
physicalexam #neurology #ophthalmology
One & a half syndrome with upbeat nystagmus due to a left pontine + bimedullary infarction

clinical #video #ophthalmology
Primary Downbeat Nystagmus on Ocular Examination

Primary downbeat nystagmus, most evident on looking down and out .
physicalexam #neurology #ophthalmology
Saccadic Intrusions on Ocular Physical Exam

Saccadic intrusions (involuntary conjugate saccades that interrupt fixation)- brief jerks that
video #neurology #ophthalmology
WEBINO on Ocular Examination

WEBINO = Wall-eyed bilateral internuclear ophthalmoplegia with Midbrain exotropia,  b/l ADduction impairment,
#physicalexam #ophthalmology
Bilateral Internuclear Ophthalmoplegia (BINO)

Bilateral Internuclear ophthalmoplegia in chronic Multiple sclerosis. Note the adduction lag in the
video #neurology #ophthalmology