10 results
Comparison of Resident and Faculty Perceptions of Burnout and Depression During Surgical Training 

Do resident and
Do resident and attending ... Depression #Residents #Attendings
Management of status epilepticus

Big thanks to Dr. Grossman, one of MetroHealth's neurocritical care attendings for his
neurocritical care attendings
External Carotid Artery Branches - Mnemonic
Some Attendings Like Freaking Out Potential Medical Students
S - Superior Thyroid
Mnemonic Some Attendings
Surgeon's Knot - Surgery Knot Tying Practice

Tying a two handed surgeon’s knot (when you have some
that may annoy attending
Navigating a Rapid Response Team (RRT)

Assert Leadership:
 • Stand at foot of bed
 • Introduce yourself
colleagues, fellows, attendings
How to use C-reactive protein (CRP)- Review https://ep.bmj.com/content/early/2018/07/19/archdischild-2018-315079

 - An CRP alone cannot be used to
In children attending
Modified dengue severity classification, PAHO/WHO
Dengue without warning signs - DNWS:
 • Person who lives or has
evaluation by the attending
Hand Flapping of Asterixis on Physical Exam
70-year-old man, renal transplant, attending hospitalization for acute rejection
renal transplant, attending
Who to block and who not to block? Guidelines for Emergency Regional Anesthesiafor Trauma Orthopedic Injuries
Orthopedic service attending
Uremic Frost in End-Stage Renal Disease- A 39-year-old man with end-stage renal disease presented to the
he had stopped attending