7177 results
3D CT showing lobar anatomy of the lungs. 

SpectralCT @CtSpectral

#3DCT #lobar #anatomy #lungs #pulmonary
SpectralCT @CtSpectral ... #3DCT #lobar
AATS lung cancer screening guidelines for solid nodules on low-dose computed tomography (LDCT). PET/CT, Positron emission
computed tomography (LDCT ... Algorithm #LowDoseCT #LDCT
3D CT of Jackstone Calculus in the urinary bladder sitting on a large prostate.  Looks
Gopal Punjabi @CtSpectral ... bladders #stone #3dct ... #clinical
A decision aid for people considering lung cancer screening with low-dose computed tomography
The USPSTF recommends
screened with LDCT ... screened with LDCT ... means that with LDCT ... #DecisionAid #LDCT
A decision aid for people considering lung cancer screening with low-dose computed tomography
screened with LDCT ... screened with LDCT ... means that with LDCT ... #DecisionAid #LDCT
Source of pt's sepsis - bacterial orchitis. Heterogenous testicle with areas of necrosis/abscess with absent flow,
increased flow on spectral ... @eabramsMD #Clinical
Magnesium Absorption and Pathophysiology 
Magnesium Absorption: 
 • absorbed in the GIT — small intestine, Saturable
Henle • 5-10% in DCT
Major Segments of the Nephron and their Functions 
 - Glomerulus - Formation of glomerular filtrate
convoluted tubule (DCT
Mechanical Complications in Acute Myocardial Infarction
Acute LV/RV Dysfunction:
 • Regional wall motion, systolic and diastolic function,
Bidirectional color and spectral
Common pediatric rashes you see in clinic. How to differentiate them? Name that rash.

#pediatrics #peds #rashes
rashes you see in clinic ... #peds #rashes #clinical