10 results
Binaural Tympanic-Membrane Perforations after Blast Injury #Clinical #ENT #TM #TympanicMembrane #Perforation #BlastInjury #NEJM
Clinical #ENT #TM ... #Perforation #BlastInjury
Engorged Deer Tick

TM Smith, D.O. @RosenelliEM

#Deer #Tick #Engorged #parasite #clinical #video
Engorged Deer Tick TM
Blast Injury Categories
 - Primary - Direct effect from blast shockwave 
 - Secondary - Impact
device additives #BlastInjury
Evaluation of Electrical Injury in the Emergency Department 

Common Injuries by System:

CNS - Seizure, coma, spinal
Cataracts (delayed), TM
Left Ventricular Non-Compaction Cardiomyopathy
First described 80 years or so ago, it occurs secondary to the failure
cardiomyopathy - TM
Acute Otitis Media: Pathogenesis and Clinical Findings (in Children)
Upper Respiratory Tract Infection: 
 - Bacterial: Streptococcus
Complications of AOM: TM
Transverse Myelitis Overview

Focal inflammatory disorder of the spinal cord resulting in rapid onset of weakness, sensory
75-90% of cases TM ... Enhancement - TM
Bullous Myringitis

Most commonly caused by Strep pneumoniae 
Bullae filled with blood form on the surface of
surface of the TM ... TympanicMembrane #TM
Aqueous Humor Production and Drainage
 • Provides nutrition, removes wastes, and transports neurotransmitters to the avascular
passes through the TM
This is a case from a number of years ago and the exact history is unavailable
Radiology #HandXRay #BlastInjury