212 results
IBD and Pregnancy: Managing Flares
Laboratory Values - Endoscopy - Radiologic imaging - Surgery - Medication

#inflammatory #boweldisease
Pregnancy: Managing Flares ... #inflammatory #boweldisease ... IBD #Pregnancy #Flares
IBD - Assessment of Lack of Response (sLOR) - Differential Diagnosis
Non-inflammatory mechanisms:
 • IBS
 • Fibrostenotic
#Inflammatory #BowelDisease
Aspergillus flavus on Culture and Microscopy

Rich Davis, PhD, D(ABMM), MLS @richdavisphd

#Aspergillus #flavus #clinical #microscopy #microbiology #culture
Aspergillus flavus ... #Aspergillus #flavus
Causes of Back Pain - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
Always assess for red flags. If no red flags,
assess for red flags ... If no red flags, ... after 6 weeks Red Flags
Symptoms of Depression 

Mnemonic: "A SAD FACES" 

#Mnemonic #Depression #Symptoms #ASADFACES #Diagnosis #Psychiatry
Mnemonic: "A SAD FACES
Liver Flukes on ERCP
Here are liver flukes (Fasciola hepatica) extracted from the bile duct during ERCP
Liver Flukes on ... Here are liver flukes ... drkeithsiau #Liver #Flukes
The Development of Antimicrobial Resistance - Antibiotics Timeline

IDSA Faces of Antimicrobial Resistance (FOAR) Report

#Antibiotics #Antimicrobial #Resistance
Timeline IDSA Faces
Trauma - Paradoxical Breathing in Flail Chest 
It occurs when multiple adjacent ribs are broken in
broken in multiple places
Flame Shaped Hemorrhages in Hypertensive Retinopathy - Fundoscopy Ocular Examination

Dr. Sebastian Vega @oftalmopo

#Flame #Hemorrhages #Hypertensive #Retinopathy
Flame Shaped Hemorrhages ... @oftalmopo #Flame
Approach to Gout
Diagnosis: r/o septic arthritis! Needle-shaped, negative birefringent crystals
 • Weight loss, diet, d/c culprit
(ULT): 1) 2+ flares