13 results
Cornea Anatomy
#Anatomy #Ophthalmology #Corneal #Bowmans #Descemets #Membrane
Ophthalmology #Corneal #Bowmans ... #Descemets #Membrane
Corneal edema with Descemet's folds; The folds can be visualized as dark, deep-appearing, criss-cross lines in
Corneal edema with Descemet's ... posterior stroma and Descemet's ... cornea #edema #descemet
Double Anterior Chamber (DAC) after Descemet's Membrane Detachment (DMD)

Dr. Sebastian Vega @oftalmopo

#Double #Anterior #Chamber #DAC #Descemets
Chamber (DAC) after Descemet's ... #Chamber #DAC #Descemets
Physical Exam findings in Lower Extremity DVT - Likelihood Ratios
 - Asymmetric calf swelling, ≥2 cm
Palpable cord - NS - Homans
Rapidly Progressive Glomerulonephritis (RPGN) 
 - Loss of kidney function over a short period of tirne
proliferation in Bowman's
Likelihood Ratios of Clinical Features Ruling In Deep Vein Thrombosis
Malignant disease	2.71
History of deep vein thrombosis	2.25
Recent immobilization	1.98
swelling 1.45 Homans
Plain radiography of the abdomen revealed calcification of both adrenal glands. A homozygous mutation in LIPA
#infant #NEJM #Wolmans
Restrictive Cardiomyopathy - Diagnosis and Causes
Clinical: Dyspnea, Exercise Intolerance, ↑ "Right Sided-Symptoms" (ascites, hepatomegaly, ↑↑peripheral edema)
Prominent X and Y Descents
Giant A waves caused by pulmonary HTN. There are two clearly discernible descents (X and Y)
clearly discernible descents
RA/CVP Waveform Interpretation

Central venous pressure (CVP) or right atrial pressure (RAP) waveform tracings can often times
waves and two descents