1390 results
"Playboy Bunny" sign, seen w/hepatic congestion due to R heart failure.

Dr. Josie Acuna @jgacuna

#Hepatic #Congestion #Bunny
"Playboy Bunny" ... Hepatic #Congestion #Bunny
Squamous Cell Cancer

Charlie Goldberg, M.D. - UCSD Catalog of Clinical Images

#Clinical #Photo #Dermatology #SquamousCell #SkinCancer #Hand
Squamous Cell Cancer ... Images #Clinical #Photo
Pathology - Castleman disease. 

Mediastinal mass in a younger woman.

Histologic Features of Castleman disease, hyaline vascular
vessels - Germinal center ... Hyalinized germinal centers
Inflammation of the nail folds - red, swollen, often tender. Frequent immersion in water a risk
swollen, often tender ... PhysicalExam #Clinical #Photo
Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MD) - Diagnosis and Management Summary
myelo (marrow) -dys- (abnormal) -plastic (shape) = funny-shaped cells
plastic (shape) = funny-shaped
Petechiae: punctate spots that arise from spontaneous bleeding secondary to profound thrombocytopenia. 
The spots (easily visible
non-blanching and non-tender ... Images #Clinical #Photo
Centor - Clinical Decision Rule for Management of Sore Throat #Diagnosis #Management #EM #IM #Centor #Criteria
Centor - Clinical ... Management #EM #IM #Centor
Sickle cells
These photos show sickle cells on peripheral blood smears. In the left photo target cells
Sickle cells These photos ... In the left photo ... , in the right photo ... represented by the right photo ... in the mid-20th century
Modified	Centor Criteria	to	Evaluate	for	GAS	Pharyngitis
#Diagnosis #Management #Peds #Centor #Criteria #GAS #Streptococcus #Pharyngitis #Algorithm #PEMSource
Modified Centor ... Management #Peds #Centor
Primary Syphilis
Usually, a single ulcer (chancre) appears at the site where the bacteria entered the body.
obvious, i.e. inter-vaginally ... pallidum bacteria enter ... Diagnosis #Clinical #Photo