2324 results
C.diff - Clostridioides Difficile Infection (CDI) - Diagnosis and Management - GrepMed Handbook

Clinical Presentation + Progression:
Perforation) Pathophysiology ... Epidemiology: • #1 ... 10 mg/kg IV x 1 ... doi.org/10.1093/cid
Algorithm showing a stepwise approach to the assessment and investigation of a possible neuropathy. CIDP, chronic
CIDP, chronic inflammatory
Shock - Pathophysiology 
Inadequate tissue perfusion to meet O2, nutrient requirements
1. Distributive Shock
2. Hypovolemic Shock
3. Cardiogenic
Shock - Pathophysiology ... requirements 1. ... Shock #Shock #Pathophysiology
Causes of Orthopnea - Differential Diagnosis Framework

 • Fear and Anxiety
 • Pleural Effusion
 • Ascites
neuropathy, GBS, CIDP
Diverticular Disease Pathophysiology
1) Diverticulosis
2) SUDD (Symptomatic Uncomplicated Diverticular Disease)
3) Diverticulitis
4) Diverticular bleeding

DOI: 10.1038/s41572-020-0153-5

#Diverticular #Disease #Pathophysiology #diverticula
Diverticular Disease Pathophysiology ... 1) Diverticulosis ... Diverticular #Disease #Pathophysiology
Pathophysiology of Distal (type 1) RTA

- VARUN M @varunnephro

#RTA #Distal #type1 #Pathophysiology #nephrology
Pathophysiology ... of Distal (type 1) ... Distal #type1 #Pathophysiology
Nephron Pathophysiology - Diuretic Sites of Action
1) Acetazolamide/canagliflozin
2) Osmotic agents (mannitol, urearetics)
3) Loop agents (eg, furosemide)
Nephron Pathophysiology ... Action Diuretics 1) ... Adenosine #Nephron #Pathophysiology
Etiologies of Peripheral Neuropathy
 • Metabolic / Nutritional: DiabetesB12 deficiency, Uremia/ESRD, Hypothyroidism
 • Medication-induced: ART, Antibiotics,
Inflammatory/AI: CIDP
IDSA Recommendations for the Treatment of Clostridium difficile Infection in Adults
Source: https://doi.org/10.1093/cid/cix1085

#Management #Clostridium #CDifficile #IDSA2017 #Guidelines
Hormones acting on the kidney

#Pathophysiology #Nephrology #Renal #Kidney #Hormones #Nephron #Sites #Action

** GrepMed Recommended Text: First
the kidney #Pathophysiology ... the USMLE Step 1