25 results
Alexia Without Agraphia
Alexia without agraphia is a disconnection syndrome where patients cannot read but can write.
Alexia Without Agraphia ... Alexia without agraphia ... cannot read but can write ... agraphia) Moises ... MoiseyWoisey #Alexia #Agraphia
Ossification centers of the elbow - CRITOE Mnemonic 

The ages at which these ossification centers appear
of the elbow - CRITOE ... Pediatrics #Peds #CRITOE
Elbow Ossification Centers by Age - CRITOE Mnemonic

The ages at which these ossification centers appear are
Centers by Age - CRITOE ... Pediatrics #Peds #CRITOE
Gerstmann Syndrome
1) Finger agnosia - Inability to name their own fingers, affecting both sides
2) Right-left confusion
calculations 4) Agraphia ... - Inability to write
Classifications for COPD through the Years
Graphic Design by Mr. Ramon Thompson
#Diagnosis #COPD #Classification #Severity #Critera #GOLD2006
through the Years Graphic
Clinical features of focal cortical brain lesions in a right-handed individual

Frontal, either:  
Intellectual impairment, 
Acalculia, Alexia, Agraphia
Here is the graphic TheNNT.com just published from its analysis of the lung cancer CT screening
Here is the graphic
Causes of Hemiplegia - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
Cerebral Hemisphere (Contralateral motor cortex)
 • Aphasia
 • Apraxia
• Agnosia • Agraphia
Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) and C-reactive Protein (CRP)
Here is a graphic on ESR and CRP. What
CRP) Here is a graphic
ECG of a 32-year-old lady with chest pain. 

Cath showed 100% proximal LAD Occlusion.
Never, ever write