2199 results
This is a cervical ectopic pregnancy. Fetal pole in gestational sac outside a retroflexed uterine cavity.
posterior to the cervix ... ultrasoundREL #Clinical #POCUS
Cervical Incompetence on Pelvic Ultrasound
Second trimester cervical incompetence with bulging membranes into the upper vagina and
through the open cervix ... obstetrics #obgyn #pocus
Ectopic Pregnancy on Transabdominal Pelvic Ultrasound
From the QA files. You see this. Patient was discharged. Feedback
the bladder and cervix ... Ultrasound #clinical #POCUS
Causes of Early (<20 Weeks) and Late Bleeding in Pregnancy  - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
Early Bleeding
from the Os • Cervix ... and Clots • Cervix
Causes of Vaginal Discharge - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
 • Endometrium
 • Cervix
 • Vulva
 • Vagina
Endometrium • Cervix
Causes of Recurrent Pregnancy Loss - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
 • Toxin (organic solvents, mercury, lead)
chromosomal abnormality Cervix
#Ovaries- small, oval-shaped glands that are located on either side of the uterus. The ovaries produce
#Cervix - allows ... passageway from the cervix
Fern test. Fern test refers to detection of a characteristic 'fern like' pattern of cervical mucus
Obstetrics #ROM #Cervix
Causes of Abnormal Genital Bleeding - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
 • Medical (e.g. coagulopathy, liver disease, renal
Endometrial Hyperplasia Cervix
Physiologic Skin Changes in Pregnancy - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm

 • Melasma
 • Linea Nigra 
Hormone induced
discoloration of cervix