343 results
Classification of Some Antimicrobial Agents by Their Sites of Action
Inhibitors of metabolism: Sulfonamides, Trimethoprim
Inhibitors of cell
Agents by Their Sites ... , Clindamycin, Chloramphenicol ... antimicrobial #mechanism #sites
Antibiotics - Mechanisms and Sites of Action 

Inhibit Cell Wall Synthesis or Function 
- Beta Lactams,
Mechanisms and Sites ... Streptogramins, Chloramphenicol ... #Mechanisms #Sites
Nephron - Diuretic Sites of Action

Source Text: https://www.sciencedirect.com/book/9780323449427/critical-care-nephrology#book-info

#Nephron #Diuretics #Site #Action #Location #Nephrology #Pathophysiology #Pharmacology
Nephron - Diuretic Sites ... Nephron #Diuretics #Site
Antibiotics for Atypical Bacteria 
 - Macrolides   (Azithromycin) 
 - Tetracyclines   (Doxycycline)
Moxifloxacin) - Chloramphenicol
Central Venous Catheter site selection - Clinical Decision Aid
IJ vs Subclavian vs Supraclavicular vs Femoral by
Venous Catheter site ... Complications #Locations #Sites
Antidiarrheal Medications and their sites of action

#Pharmacology #Pathophysiology #Antidiarrheal #Medications #Sites #Action
Medications and their sites ... #Medications #Sites
Serotonin receptors and sites of actions.

#Serotonin #Receptors #Sites #Actions #5HT #Pharmacology
receptors and sites ... Serotonin #Receptors #Sites
Sites of Action of Drugs that Interfere with the Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone system

#ReninAngiotensinAldosterone #RAAS #System #Pharmacology #Targets #Sites
Sites of Action ... Pharmacology #Targets #Sites
Nephron Pathophysiology - Diuretic Sites of Action
1) Acetazolamide/canagliflozin
2) Osmotic agents (mannitol, urearetics)
3) Loop agents (eg, furosemide)
Pathophysiology - Diuretic Sites ... Pathophysiology #Diuretics #Sites
Antibiotic Pharmacology - Sites of Action

Cullen Lilley, MS, MDxT(AAB) @cullen_lilley

#Antibiotics #Pharmacology #Sites #Action #mechanism
Pharmacology - Sites ... #Pharmacology #Sites