7180 results
A and B are guides to the lines of incision when performing an escharotomy (from PrimarySurgery.org)
#Escharotomy #CompartmentSyndrome ... #Instructions #LIFTL
Infographic: Compartment Syndrome #Diagnosis #Managment #Ortho #Compartment #Syndrome #CompartmentSyndrome #FIVEPs #Overview #ALiEM
Compartment #Syndrome #CompartmentSyndrome
Phlegmasia Cerulea Dolens - In phlegmasia alba dolens, the thrombosis involves only major deep venous channels
#Clinical #EM #IM ... #Dolens #DVT #LIFTL
Escharotomy - Procedure Instructions

An unlikely procedure for an EM physician in St Mungo's,  but an
#Instructions #CompartmentSyndrome
Shoulder Exam - Provocative Testing

Supraspinatus muscle injury:
 - Jobe’s Test
 - Hawkin’s Test
 - Drop Arm
muscle injury: - Lift-Off
Acute Compartment Syndrome
 • Crush injuries, burns, circumferential constriction to limbs (each containing facially divided muscle
pressure #Acute #CompartmentSyndrome
Resuscitative Hysterotomy - Procedure Instructions
When? ASAP. Within 4 minutes when possible.
Who? Pregnant patient with uterus above
Insert Fingers, lift
Magnetic Gait

Magnetic walking is an abnormality of walking marked by the inability to lift your feet
the inability to lift ... Gait #Walking #clinical
The completed escharotomy #Clinical #Photo #Burn #Escharotomy #Compartment #Syndrome #Completed #LIFTL
completed escharotomy #Clinical ... Syndrome #Completed #LIFTL
Perimortem Hysterotomy Instructions

Do 4 minutes into arrest if uterus above the umbilicus

1. Manage Arrest
 • Compressions,
scalpel - Lift