12 results
Schematic of the Continuity Equation to Calculate Velocity, Aortic Valve Area:
#Diagnosis #Cardiology #AorticValveArea #Continuity #Equation #Calculation
Schematic of the Continuity ... AorticValveArea #Continuity
Rib Fracture on POCUS

There is an interruption in the continuity of this bone (rib), indicated by
interruption in the continuity
Air Bronchograms on Ultrasound

Opacification of alveolar spaces surrounding air-filled bronchioles; enables visualization of well-defined tissue/air interface;
bronchioles still in continuity
Air Bronchograms on Ultrasound

Opacification of alveolar spaces surrounding air-filled bronchioles; enables visualization of well-defined tissue/air interface;
bronchioles still in continuity
Explanation of the differences between depolarizing and nondepolarizing paralytic agents commonly used in anesthetic induction with
Continuing Education
Treatment Schema for Standard-Risk Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
 • Vincristine, Steroid (dexamethasone), L-Asparaginase, Intrathecal (IT) methotrexate
Thiopurine Interim and continuing
Classification for benign biliary strictures
Bismuth classification
I - Low CHD stricture, > 2 cm distal to hilum
duct injury in continuity ... a duct not in continuity
Emergency Laryngectomy Management

This algorithm is paired with the red bed-head sign and indicates that the patient
upper airway in continuity
Mains Electricity Failure - Guidelines for Crises in Anaesthesia
Unexpected total power failure is rare and unpredictable.
• Consider continuing
Heat Illnesses and Heat Stroke - Differential Diagnosis Framework

Heat Cramps:
 • Muscle pain or spasm -
Athlete - difficulty continuing