4 results
Spinal Cord Injury by Nerve Root Levels
Spinal Root	Sensory	Motor	Reflex
C4	Acromioclavicular Joint	Respiration	None
C5	Radial Antecubital Fossa	Elbow Flexion	Biceps Reflex
C6	Dorsal Thumb	Wrist Extension	Brachioradialis Reflex
C7	Dorsal
Thigh Hip Flexion Cremasteric ... SpinalCord #Injury #NerveRoots
Common Lumbar Root Syndromes

#Diagnosis #Radiculopathy #Lumbar #NerveRoot #Sensory #Motor #Deficits #Reflexes #Table
Radiculopathy #Lumbar #NerveRoot
Common Cervical Root Syndromes

#Diagnosis #Radiculopathy #Cervical #NerveRoot #Sensory #Motor #Deficits #Reflexes #Table
Radiculopathy #Cervical #NerveRoot
Cremasteric Reflex

The cremasteric reflex is elicited by stroking the inner part of the thigh, causing the
Cremasteric Reflex ... The cremasteric ... thigh, causing the cremaster ... The cremasteric ... Ataullah #Cremasteric