3412 results
Curtain Sign - Enhanced Ptosis in Myasthenia Gravis
Because of bilateral eyelid innervation, when the more affected
Curtain Sign - Enhanced ... #Curtain #Sign #
Muehrcke's Lines (Leukonychia striata)
Narrow while transverse lines (Not depressed, compared to Beau's lines). Usually 2 or
than < 2.2 g/dL), certain ... PhysicalExam #Clinical #Photo
Step by step approach for diagnosis of pleural effusion by Lung Ultrasound


#Diagnosis #POCUS #Lung #Pleural #Effusion
Algorithm #Signs #Curtain
General Algorithms for Assessment of the Left Ventricular Assist Device (LVAD) (Algorithms 1, 2 and 3)

circulation to sustain ... VentricularAssistDevice #Algorithm #Management
Dizziness and Vertigo Algorithm
 • Feels "faint" or like they are going to "pass out"
upright posture, certain ... diagnosis #neurology #management
Malignant Hyperthermia is a very rare, but life-threatening condition that can occur after using certain anesthetic
occur after using certain ... steps involved in management ... hyperthermia #diagnosis #management ... Management of malignant ... Clinical Risk Management
What is a Boxer’s fracture?? Fracture of the 4th or 5th metacarpal neck
 - Common in
Management: - ... compromise - Certain ... Metacarpal #Diagnosis #Management
Osler's Nodes: Painful, erythematous nodules associated with bacterial endocarditis. 
Photo credit, Josh Fierer, M.D.

Charlie Goldberg, M.D.
Photo credit, Josh ... Images #Clinical #Photo
Fatality / Mortality Calculations in an Outbreak
There are a number of different types of rates, risks,
deaths from a certain ... disease (for a certain
Myotomes of the Spinal Cord
Each segmental nerve root innervates more than one muscle. For simplicity, certain
For simplicity, certain