323 results
Pneumonia - Causative Organisms
 • CAP - Typical, Atypical, Endemic
 • Aspiration
 • Decreased Immunity
Typical, Atypical, Endemic ... #Pneumonia #microbiology
Azithromycin - since there has been a lot of noise around chloroquine/hydroxychloroquine, thought we can take
for potential DIs ... Azithromycin #COVID19 #Pandemic
Azithromycin - since there has been a lot of noise around chloroquine/hydroxychloroquine, thought we can take
for potential DIs ... DrugInteraction #Pandemic
Differential diagnosis of Skin + Eye infections
 • Bacterial: Staph spp, Strep spp, Pseudomonas spp, Bartonella,
Cryptococcus, Endemic ... viral #fungal #Microbiology
Morphology of Fungal Infections in Tissues
Fungal infections with hyphae or pseudohyphae in tissues:
 • Yeasts with
with septations Endemic ... yeast #hyphae #microbiology
DRESS-associated drugs

DRESS syndrome can be life threatening and it has a documented mortality rate of about
DRESS #Syndrome #DIHS
Distal Intestinal Obstruction Syndrome (DIOS), previously known as “meconium ileus equivalent,” is an entity unique to
Obstruction Syndrome (DIOS ... Radiology #KUB #DIOS
MDRO: Multiple Drug Resistant Organism (Stenehjem E et al. Clin Infect Dis. 2016; 63(10): 1273-1280)

#AntibioticClassificationSchema #Antibiotics
Clin Infect Dis.
Gram Positive Bacteria Overview Identification Algorithm #Diagnosis #Microbiology #GramPositive #Bacteria #Identification #Differential #Algorithm #Catalase #Coagulase #Optichin
Algorithm #Diagnosis #Microbiology
Gram Negative Bacteria Overview Identification Algorithm #Diagnosis #Microbiology #GramNegative #Bacteria #Identification #Differential #Algorithm #Oxidase #Lactose #Urease
Algorithm #Diagnosis #Microbiology