86 results
Profiles of Antidiabetic Medications - AACE 2018 

#Antidiabetic #Medications #Profiles #SideEffects #Table #DecisionAid #Orals #DM2 #Diabetes
Medications #Profiles #SideEffects ... #Table #DecisionAid
NICE Decision Aid to assess the risk of bleeding on anticoagulation - HAS-BLED Score 1 

of bleeding on anticoagulation ... #Management #Anticoagulation ... #DecisionAid #HASBLED
Atrial Fibrillation - Decision Aid - Anti-coagulation and Risk for Stroke - CHADS2VASc Score 5

#Management #Atrial
Fibrillation #AFib #Anticoagulation ... #DecisionAid #CHADS2VASc
Adverse Effects of Antipsychotic Medications - Comparison Table

First Generation: chlopromazine, haloperidol, fluphenazine 
Second Generation: aripirazole, asenapine,
Antipsychotics #SideEffects ... Comparison #Table #DecisionAid
Anticoagulation Review. There are other bleeding risk assessment tools, but HAS-BLED is more commonly used. HTN
Anticoagulation ... Purposes Only* #Anticoagulation ... Assessment #Cardiology #SideEffects
Antidepressant Medications Decision Aid
 - The choice of depression medications in primary care is difficult as
PrimaryCare #Psychiatry #DecisionAid ... Antidepressants #Comparison #SideEffects
Choice of anticoagulant for treatment of pulmonary embolism
 • Malignancy - LMWH
 • To avoid parenteral
anticoagulant #selection #decisionaid ... #vte #anticoagulation
Diabetes Medication Choice
-Diabetes Medication Choice decision aid cards provide information on medications commonly used to treat
#PatientInfo #DecisionAid ... Medications #Selection #SideEffects
Managing warfarin INR

Warfarin dosage must be individualized according to the patient's response to the drug, and
Over-anticoagulation ... pharmacotherapy #decisionaid
Sedative-Hypnotic Visual Decision Aid

What would happen if 100 people over 60 years of age take sleeping
#SleepingAid #DecisionAid ... Pharmacology #Benefits #SideEffects