2974 results
NSTEMI Type2 Demand Ischemia Pathophysiology

#NSTEMI #Type2 #TypeII #Demand #Ischemia #Pathophysiology #Cardiology
NSTEMI Type2 Demand ... Type2 #TypeII #Demand
Comparison table between arterial vs venous leg ulcers. Visit gramproject.com for more medical diagrams, tables and
Comparison table ... medical diagrams, tables ... #differential #surgery
Abdominal Pain - Differential Diagnosis Table and Characteristics

#Diagnosis #AbdominalPain #Differential #Comparison #Table #Features #Characteristics
Abdominal Pain - Differential ... Diagnosis Table ... AbdominalPain #Differential ... #Comparison #Table
Summary table of comparison of the difference between primary biliary cholangitis (PBC) and primary sclerosing cholangitis
Summary table of ... medical diagrams, tables ... #differential #hepatology
Pathophysiology of Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) and Hyperglycemic Hyperosmolar Syndrome (HHS)
Absolute Insulin deficit:
 - Type I DM:
that ↑ insulin demand ... stresses ↑ Insulin demand
Coronary Oxygen Balance 

Myocardial Oxygen Demand <-> Coronary Artery Blood Flow <-> Oxygen Availability

#cardiac #oxygen #pathophysiology
Myocardial Oxygen Demand
Myocardial Infarction Definition Types

#Diagnosis #Cardiology #Myocardial #Infarction #Classification #Types #Definitions #MI #NSTEMI #Type1 #Type2 #Demand
#Type1 #Type2 #Demand
Multiple masses
The differential diagnostic list of multiple masses is very long.
The most important diagnoses are listed
Multiple masses The differential ... listed in the table ... is difficult to differentiate ... Multiple #Massess #Differential
Type 1 vs Type 2 Myocardial Infarction

Myocardial Infarction Type 1:
 - Plaque rupture/erosion with occlusive thrombus
oxygen supply/demand ... Oxygen supply/demand
Differential diagnosis of genital ulcers
Table Comparing HSV, Syphilis, Chancroid and LGV

#Diagnosis #Genital #Ulcers #Differential #Comparison #Table
Differential diagnosis ... genital ulcers Table ... Genital #Ulcers #Differential ... #Comparison #Table