42 results
Clinically Significant Cardiovascular Drug-Drug Interactions With OTC Supplements and Herbal Products
Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors (ACEIs)
 • Night-blooming
Interactions With OTC Supplements ... hepatotoxic effects #DrugDrug ... Interactions #OTC #supplementals
Algorithm for the Treatment of COPD

Stepwise Drug Therapy, Healthcare Factors, and Supplemental Therapy

#Management #COPD #Algorithm #Stepwise
Healthcare Factors, and Supplemental ... Algorithm #Stepwise #Supplemental
Oxygen Delivery Systems and Approximate FiO2:
#Management #SupplementalO2 #Oxygen #Delivery #Devices #Interface #FiO2 #NonRebreather #HFNC #NasalCannula #Simple
#Management #SupplementalO2
COPD Exacerbations - Management
 • Identify Triggers
 • Assess Severity
 • Risk for Poor Outcomes
Address Hypoxemia (Supplemental
Lab patterns seen in Inborn Errors of Metabolism

A table of lab values compiled from UpToDate and
IEM schema for supplemental
A schema of the pathophysiology of the inborn errors of metabolism, excluding complex storage diseases. Helps
values table for supplemental
Oxygen delivery & ABG interpretation made easier with this simple colour-coded table. Please share, and print
#Management #SupplementalO2
Oxygen Delivery by Device

Nasal Cannula 
• Indicated for low-flow, low-percentage supplemental oxygen. 
• Flow rate of
low-percentage supplemental ... higher percentage supplemental
Hypercalcemia Diagnosis Algorithm
 - Primary Hyperparathyroidism
 - FHH
 - Hypercalcemia of malignancy
 - Local osteolytic hypercalcemia
endocrine disorders, supplements
Causes of Copper Deficiency - Differential Diagnosis
 - Menkes disease, familial hypoceruloplasminemia
Decreased / Inadequate Intake:
supplementation) or iron supplements ... inadequate copper supplements