48 results
Visual Abstract Comparison of #MYRE Vs #EULITE trials. 

MYRE: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2665000
EULITE: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanhae/article/PIIS2352-3026(19)30014-6/fulltext

#MM #MultipleMyeloma #PLEX #VisualAbstract #Nephrology #EBM
Comparison of #MYRE Vs #EULITE ... fullarticle/2665000 EULITE
Causes of Iron Deficiency
 • Inadequate Intake: Vegetarian/vegan diet, Malnutrition
 • Increased Body Needs: Infants/preschoolers, Pregnancy,
EPO treatment, Elite
Genital ulcers

By Dr. Elise Merchant @EAMerchant via Febrile [febrilepodcast.com]

#ID  #Infectious Diseases  #Infections
#Differential #Ddx #Diagnosis
Elise Merchant @
Obesity in the Critically Ill is quite the problem. It worsens the prognosis in our ICU
Critically Ill is quite
Approach to urethritis and cervicitis

By Dr. Elise Merchant @EAMerchant via Febrile [febrilepodcast.com]

#ID  #Infectious Diseases
Elise Merchant @
Vertebral Body Abnormalities

A sheet of common (and uncommon) vertebral body findings, because a completely “normal” spine
normal” spine seems quite
Heliotrope Rash in Dermatomyositis

Peri-orbital edema and the heliotrope rash that we are all familiar with. Eyelid
textbooks are quite
Necrotizing Fasciitis: Note the extensive edema, erythema, bullae formation, and necrosis in this patient's thigh. At
diabetic patient was quite
In this case the chest x-ray shows subtle findings that could be described as fine reticulation.
This is quite specific
IgG4-associated conditions

Diagnosis of IgG4 disease is depending on BIOPSY. While IgG4 levels can be informative (and
nonspecific, looking quite