8 results
Positive Throckmorton Sign in a case of a right femoral enchondroma
#Clinical #Radiology #Throckmorton #Sign #ThrockmortonSign #Enchondroma
right femoral enchondroma ... Throckmorton #Sign #ThrockmortonSign ... #Enchondroma
Positive Throckmorton sign in a case of chronic osteomyelitis of the left hip. X-ray findings:
1) complete
Throckmorton #Sign #ThrockmortonSign ... #Enchondroma
Primary Bone Tumors - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm 

Metastatic - Most common tumour in adults
 - Breast
• Periosteal Chondroma ... Cell Tumour • Enchondroma
Bone Tumor Location within the Skeleton

Only a few lesions are located in the epiphysis, so
Chondrosarcoma, Enchondroma ... sarcoma, SBC, ABC, Enchondroma
Diagram of different types of bone tumors that can occur around the knee on XRay -
Ewing sarcoma • Enchondroma
Diagram of different types of bone tumors that can occur around the knee on XRay
Age <
Ewing sarcoma • Enchondroma
Bone Lesion on X-Ray - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm 
 • Osteochondroma
Asymptomatic &/or Non-Active Bone Scam
Mineralization • Enchondroma
Intraarticular Chondroma - MSK Radiology
Imaging Findings:
 • Subtle soft-tissue infrapatellar mass seen obscuring Hoffa's fat pad.
Intraarticular Chondroma ... Intraarticular #Chondroma